Cepher Blog

Welcome to the Journey


I am going to make it as easy as possible for anyone in the USA reading this blog to contact their congressional representatives!


The reason I am doing this is due to the calamity we are facing if Congress does not begin to require the filthy rich to carry their fair load! This country is falling apart at the seams all caused by division. Division that was once used by government to keep us fighting among ourselves as government went the way of corporatocracy–allowing the Military Industrial Complex combined with Wall Street and Conglomerates to take complete control of our lives.

Divide and conquer as they used juicy carrots in front of all our noses to keep us distracted; and here we are today. The rich are untouchable (except by their own when they step out of line), the poor keep increasing until there will be nothing left, but to cower and beg for bread. Unfortunately, those in command understand completely how dangerous hungry mobs can become and that is why they do everything to keep us weak and divided.

There is a “Way” out of this quagmire, one that has been used successfully before; to unite in peace and compassion with all who wish to join. However, before that can happen all of us must put down our judgments, opinions, and prejudice, so that we can focus on the real immediate problem facing us today–selfishness. The only way the majority of us can become unity is to have compassion for all who suffer at the hands of those in power. If we do this we can retake our country back and begin again to live in common unity and peace. If we do not–this country will change into something that none of us wish to be a part of.

We are in drastic times that require drastic measures, and that is why each of us needs to make contact with our congressional representatives and let them know that we are no longer going to let the rich and powerful make us pay for everything. It is time that, until this country regains its financial footing, we ask the rich to bail this country out of the mess that those in Wall Street created! We must also reduce the outflow of funds to other countries as well as the $trillions$ that are going to the enemies that we are supposedly at war with. If not?

Filed under: Uncategorized


Today, something very different, today is America 101; Believe me we need it! The title is Spanish for “The Disappeared“, used in Argentina in the ’70’s for those whom the government silenced. Not terrorist, like our government told us, but labor organizers; regular people just like us!

Today you will be given the chance to finally understand what your government has been doing for the past 60 years plus! I say your government if you do not live in a Scandinavian country, not that all Scandinavian countries have been innocent in the past government atrocities of the last sixty years, but many have not been as bad as the rest–who knows why! At any rate, the USA has led the team of filth for the last six decades plus when we left our humble beginnings and let pride take over.

I implore all of you to please take this writing to heart and while on your knees to our Lord ask Him what need be done by you. I have much information because I took part in some of these atrocities as a young and very stupidly naive patriot, however, unfortunately I only have information, but no answers. I will not be able to tell you how to fix what is happening today, but I am certain our Lord does have the answers we seek.

People like Mr. Chris Hedges have been right in the middle of all this mess for many decades as a journalist and is now trying desperately to ring the alarm bells that unfortunately few are hearing. If you believe in the mainstream Christian view; which is loyal to the country of Israel, believes all Muslims are evil and Christians should fight them to the death, and that the USA is still a blessed country doing God’s work hopefully to become a theocracy, then you should not read any further, it will only upset you to the point of wanting to harm me!

This is not a Bible lesson!

Make no mistake, we need our Creator today more than ever! The powers that control this country today have endless resources and have been working this plan for centuries–a white male Protestant dominated, Christian based society that rules the world. I know this may offend some, and the rest will laugh it off as the typical conspiracy theory, but I had to at least try. After you watch the short video of the San Luis Obispo county girl if you do a little research you might just be amazed what you find out about Van Buren.

People, this is not rocket science, I am talking about human nature! Do any of you realize that our country, the USA, established a law that limited personal annual  income to two million (today) dollars by simply taxing everything above that at 91% in 1950? Can you imagine that at a time when our government and it’s citizenry agreed that two million per year (today’s $) was enough to live on comfortably our economy grew and was stronger than it had ever been or will be?Do you really think that people cannot live well on two million clams per year? Think of what our country would be like today if we would have kept that law in place! The law did not state that you could not make more mullah, it simply said that this country has financial obligations and anyone who makes more than that should help the country that allowed that person the ability to do such a thing. Is that really so wrong?

Apparently it is, because most people on Wall Street that make $BILLIONS$ per year believe that they should not pay any more than anyone else no matter what their incomes are! They owe this country zero! All for one and forget the rest!

Filed under: Challenge, open post, Prayer, Survival

Who R We!

Did I ask a question or just exclaim a statement? What does it matter today when scientists make factual statements out of thin air? Check this out.

Why do I believe in the Bible as the Word of God?

Simply because it describes human nature to its very essence. In that it can tell us our very next move and why we will be making it. The Bible tells us that in time intelligence will increase and yet humans will run around from fact to fact as lost as they have ever been! One must only read the theory of String Universe and one will see immediately it is simply the King with no clothes! No one will dare say anything derogatory about the theory for fear that the “geniuses” that came up we it like Leonard Susskind will accuse anyone who says anything against this theory as being to dim-witted to understand it!

What String Universe–A name I created to compile all the sub-theories into one–tries to do is answer the question of singularity by simply creating an ambiguous theory of everything that once again side-steps the biggest question in all of physics; How does something come from nothing?

Albert Einstein understood that until one can completely answer that single most important question science cannot discard God from the equation!

“As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.”  –Albert Einstein

“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” —Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was a brilliant man who grew up in a time when humility was not considered a weakness as it is today. It was that humility in combination with his brilliance that allowed him to see things we are too proud to see. The answers are there right in front of our faces, and yet, until we can see them through the eyes of humility we will continue to  intelligently stumble around this universe.

I am certain that Mr. Susskind has the intelligence to understand the information that Albert Einstein discovered, but only time will tell if Mr. Susskind can develop the humility it will take to see the secrets that Einstein saw. Of course, none of this is outside the power of our Creator to solve if we will just see it ourselves and pray for the rest.

It doe not take the masses, it has always been done with just the remnant.

Just think how nice it would be if science could be taught with the inclusion of a Creator being a possible answer to the many gaps we see in evolution without a Creator. Just maybe that “natural process” could be influenced, applied and adjusted by the Hand of our Creator. No religion, no finite conclusions, just the “natural” possibility of  a Creator’s touch.

As true believers we should realize that the Name of our King Y’shua Messiah is not where or what it should be today. For several thousand years mankind has been defiling that Name to the point that today most believe that our God is a god of death, destruction, punishment and mayhem; not the God of Love that King Y’shua Messiah displayed while He walked this earth. The Word of God says that He is the exact nature of God! Yet, we do not ever see Him killing, hurting, or even threatening, even some of the most vile people in our eyes, while He walked this earth.

Who we are can be easily determined by who we follow. The true Creator of life is Love. Even Hell is simply just being apart from God, not something that God does to someone, but something that someone does to their self.

This may be of some interest.

Filed under: Challenge, History, King Y'shua, Prayer

Brothers in Arms

Have you ever given any thought to how easy it would be to help raise ninety percent of all people out of poverty utilizing the resources we have today? To start with, we could continue funding the military, but not for offensive destruction, but for defensive and constructive purposes only. Then we could use tax income from mega corporations to help whom ever needs assistance in developing whatever it is that they  (those in need) know what will lead them to self sufficiency–actually ask someone in need what is it they are truly in need of.

No longer attaching contingencies to philanthropy, but giving people the tools to build their own societies whether or not they fit into our capitalistic tendencies. None of this, “we will give you money if you come to our church”, or “if you will put your cow up as collateral.”

How ’bout a law that states that every income over $200,000.00 must give 10% to charity of their choice, with all charities under extreme oversight.

The following was found on The Religion World, an Orlando Sentinel blog:

Retired pastor Kirk Minor remembers a time when working with his church was centered around people, and not rhetoric – and he’s wondering where those days went.

“We’re finding more and more that there are a lot of people out there doing a lot of talking and protesting and bellyaching, but fewer people actually walking the walk,” said Minor, author of Journey Across The Tiber: My Many Rooms.  “We have extremists protesting funerals of gay soldiers, pundits decrying the use of abbreviations for the word Christmas and activists campaigning for prayer in public schools. These are all very divisive issues, and have little to do with the good works the Bible wants the faithful to perform.”

Minor bemoans that the Bible has become a book with which to bludgeon people.

“Too many people are using religion as a sword to fight those with whom they disagree, instead of as a plowshare to help their fellow neighbors tend the land and form a community,” said Minor, who retired as a United Methodist Church pastor after 23 years.

The key to reversing the trend, according to Minor, is to use actions more than words, and for people of faith to quietly go about the good works and charity that is at the essence of the Bible’s teachings.

“Shouting louder than the other guys only results in more shouting, which never gets anything done,” he said. “The key is to go about your life, as one of the faithful, and to make sure you actually do at least one thing each day that reflects the faith in which you believe.”

Filed under: Uncategorized

One Foot in Front of the Other

Take life one step at a time sounds great, but is very difficult to accomplish if you have Multiple Sclerosis. With MS, my life has changed immensely, and with the Lord life those changes are amazing! I say this not just because our nation is sinking into the mire of filthy selfishness, but also because that may not be a bad thing for this nation to do if it will lead to a revolution. Sometimes only through trails do we come to the Truth.

The human being is accustomed to learning through experience much like all other animals. The difference between us and animals is our ability to foresee problems before they manifest. This ability to solve problems before the exist gives us the rare ability to avoid problems entirely. However, that can happen only when the mind is working stronger and faster than our emotions and instincts.

Everything from the neck down on a human being is animal related, but our minds are capable of taking our bodies far beyond our beastly tendencies. Although there is a catch in the direction our minds can take us, and that is related to what is in our hearts. Our hearts, as with our minds, are relatively empty at birth–except for some of the naturally evolved traits both animal and human–therefore, we can choose what we place, reject, and keep in our minds and hearts.

So much is involved in the making of who we are by environmental and genetic preferences that we forget how much control we really have in the making of who we become. For us “followers” of the Way, we know that there are three distinct forces pushing and pulling on us in an attempt to influence who we become. There is the genetic, the actual physical body we are born with; the psychological, which is our capacity to learn and develop our personality; and the Spiritual, the most important of the three because it is the Spiritual part of us that can have the most profound effect on our mind and body thereby being the ultimate arbitrator in who we become.

So with every step we take as followers of the Way we quickly discover that if all three parts of our being work in harmony with our Lord no matter what we do or where we are there is a constant peace that is available if we do not walk past it. The problem comes when a part of us begins leading us without the harmony. That part can be any one of the three segments of our being. When we are not in harmony it is usually due to the lack of our three parts working in conjunction with each other.

Our Creator did not design us as three-part beings in order for them to be at war with one another and the best parts wins. We were designed with harmony, for harmony, by Harmony; therefore, our body, mind and Spirit must work together for the benefit of the being.

Filed under: Lifestyle, Philosophy
