Cepher Blog

Welcome to the Journey


If you thought my other posts were off, wait ’till you get the gist of this one!

Have you ever tried explaining something complicated to someone simple? If you have then you know exactly what I am feeling right now.

Though this may come off as drunk ramblings of an old man, I assure I am not intoxicated; just rambling and old! And very, very tired of watching so many of you walk into the on-coming bus! Contrary to today’s popular thought, there is no magic bullet, no instant fix, no panacea. There is only effort, sweat, pain, anguish, failure, turmoil, pain and more pain. Did I mention the pain? It is only after all that, when even the possibility of success appears for only a fleeting moment before disappearing into more PAIN (lots and lots of pain). In the end, and only at the end, does the slightest bit of hope pop up and looks at you as if to say “You stupid fool! You actually believed?”

It is only then, and only if you respond in the affirmative, that you finally see the FACE OF GOD.

Why is that!?

Simple, our Creator is so much more than we will ever understand while we walk in these fragile cloaks, that we cannot ever look unto the FACE OF GOD and live (Exodus 33:17-23).

What’s the deal when a physical ailment changes the chemical balance, like depleting your dopamine, which raises an already dangerous aggressive nature from a passed that you had thought the good Lord cleansed you from? Now what? Am I to think that I cannot run from what now appears to be my destiny? Or it this just another of a plethora of little bumps in the road; a road that I have been walking through like a mine field ?

You know what I think?

Before I tell you what I think, you must first try and understand the road I have been on for the past five decades. It has not been what most would call a normal path; whatever normal is. Though it has been an eventful path all the same. Eventful, and terribly damaging; to me physically, mentally, emotionally, and to so many others whom my life crossed (I am so sorry).  At first it was all for God and country, then everything changed, it became personal. My country abandoned me when I needed it most; as did my wife, family and eventually, my own body. That was when I had no other choice, but to ask the only one who had stood by me, patiently waiting for me to turn and ask for help from God.

Please understand that I am only trying to open your eyes as the Lord has opened mine to the truths of what the USA is really all about. THIS will help in that education if you want to know the truth!

I was once under the same illusion that the USA was the worlds protector, only to find out that in fact the world needs to be protected from the USA! If only I could help you to understand; our President does not even want to truly comprehend what our military is doing right now!

If we do not face the reality of what the USA is doing today we will be held completely accountable whether or not we face the truth. We cannot hide the truth from our Creator! And how can we believe in a God of Love while we live in a country that believes only in power? Darwinian power!

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I am going to go way out on a limb today to announce the winner of the 2012 US Presidential Elections. He will be the one with his hands deepest into the pockets of the Corporatocracy that have been running this nation for decades. If President Obama “wins”, it will not be his last four years in office that caused people to vote for him because he has done little to nothing that he promised except the most egregious promises to the far left. If Mr. Romney “wins” his past shows everyone that he is as much a liar who will say whatever it takes to become President that our current President is and has done. Therefore, the only difference between the two will be determined by the corporatocracy that has picked our last nine Presidents.

That difference is based upon what the Corporatocracy is in need of for the next four years.

While I was online today my security software advised me that a file that had just been down-loaded into my computer was “OK” and aloud to bury itself down deep into my software to a point of unknown location. I tried to find it, but ended up down the rabbit hole. This was just one of many “application files” that Microsoft or who knows who slips into all of our online PCs on a daily basis, which few of us can control or even keep track of. Which leads me to THIS.

If there were ever a time when humanity needed to find their Creator, become intimately familiar, and to learn to trust our God completely; this is the time!

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